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10 videos found
Code&Go Robot Mouse Set
This is how you use the set. A pupil from the 5th grade is helping a first grader to program and progress in programming the mouse.
How to program a square with Codey Rocky
In this tutorial we will discover how to program the robot to execute a square.
Coding with Airblock
Introductory tutorial to the Airblock robot drone designed by the Makeblock company and supported by the mBlock coding platform.
M Tiny - First steps for a robot
The tutorial dedicated to MTiny tells how to take your first steps with a robot in primary and preschool.
Assembling Poppy Ergo Jr
Poppy Ergo Jr is a small robotic arm with great educational potential. For this reason, we want to show you, how to go through the first stage of using it – assembling.
Unboxing Code&Go Robot Mouse set
This is what you will find in the Code&Go Robot Mouse set.
Sphero Progression
How do you start using Sphero Bolt? From driving to block programming.
LEGO Mindstorm - Introduction
This tutorial shows that young students can be instructors of quite complicated robotics activities.
Get started with Sphero Bolt
Are you a beginner to Shero? How do you connect Sphero? How do you use the Sphero Edu app? Here are some answers!