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10 videos found
Block programming with Sphero Bolt
This video shows how you can do block programming in pairs in a little space.
Assembling Poppy Ergo Jr
Poppy Ergo Jr is a small robotic arm with great educational potential. For this reason, we want to show you, how to go through the first stage of using it – assembling.
Follow Line
How would it be possible to use artificial intelligence in traffic? This team proposes to use a sensor that makes a robot to follow the line.
Sphero Progression
How do you start using Sphero Bolt? From driving to block programming.
Dash - some challenges
In this tutorial the students program Dash to go around a box, in four different ways.
EV3 Programming
This video shows that EV3 is a smart device that can detect an obstacle and react accordingly.
Teaching physics with mBot
In this tutorial, we show, how to use mBot robot during maths of physics lesson as a tool for explaining such physical terms as “speed”, “time”, “distance” and their relationships.
Sphero Golf
In this video tutorial you will see how you can program Sphero SPRK easily.
Parrot Mini Drone and Tynker
Command your drone in the sky, as you learn to code with Tynker's fun and easy to use visual programming language and tablet app.
Marty the Robot
Working with Marty: connecting to WiFi, calibrating and connecting to Scratch platform.