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7 videos found
Conducting exercises with MakeyMakey
In this tutorial you can learn how to program MakeyMakey with Scratch 3.0 to exploit the electrical conductivity of the human body and start a small software.
Marty the Robot
Working with Marty: connecting to WiFi, calibrating and connecting to Scratch platform.
How to program a heart that beats with Micro:bit
In this tutorial you will learn how to use Micro:bit and Scratch 3.0 to develop software that simulates a beating heart.
Assembling Poppy Ergo Jr
Poppy Ergo Jr is a small robotic arm with great educational potential. For this reason, we want to show you, how to go through the first stage of using it – assembling.
Designing and 3D Printing of a Keyring (Tikercad, Ultimaker+)
3D design and printing a keyring with Ultimaker 2+ and Tinkercad
Teaching physics with mBot
In this tutorial, we show, how to use mBot robot during maths of physics lesson as a tool for explaining such physical terms as “speed”, “time”, “distance” and their relationships.
TinkerCAD tricks
TinkerCAD is a great online 3D modelling programme, which can be used by anyone, including children and beginners in the field of 3D modelling and 3D printing.