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6 videos found
Sphero Golf
In this video tutorial you will see how you can program Sphero SPRK easily.
Dash  - Talnaslagur Numberfight
For the age range (6-12) Dash and Dot create amazing engagement with children, delivering strong lessons in a logical progression and problem-solving.
Teaching physics with mBot
In this tutorial, we show, how to use mBot robot during maths of physics lesson as a tool for explaining such physical terms as “speed”, “time”, “distance” and their relationships.
Marty the Robot
Working with Marty: connecting to WiFi, calibrating and connecting to Scratch platform.
Robotics and Math
This tutorial video shows how meaningful play can facilitate the process of understanding complex mathematical concepts like the relationship between time speed and distance.
Sphero Painting
Can robots be creative? The experiment was designed and performed by a group of students during art lessons.