Emmo is a recreational and interactive toy for visually impaired children, 4-6 year old.
Official website:
General decription:
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
It is a recreational and interactive toy.
The toy enables playing a sort of treasure hunt based on audio and visual elements, by making use of RFID technology. The aim is to detect, with the help of a “magic wand”, each of the 7 little balls according to the sound asked for by the “base”. The shapes, materials and colours have been specifically designed to facilitate the child in his playing activity.
Info for teachers:
For visually impaired children, 4-6 year old
Emmo is meant to stimulate spatial exploration and to help children develop the ability to create topological mental maps.
Emmo is meant to stimulate spatial exploration and to help children develop the ability to create topological mental maps.
Based on RFID technology (Arduino).
Electronic components: Microcontrollers (n.2); RFID readers (n. 2); Audio modules (n. 2); Spakers (n.2); Rfid tags (n. 7); Batteries. (Emmo functions could be also improved with a wifi module). Emmo prototype components: Arduino UNO (n. 2), Adafruit Wave Shield (n.2), RFID Module SL030 (n.2), RFID Labels Mifare 1K (n. 7).