


Early childhood education robot.


Official website:


Other online channels:

General decription:

Info for teachers:

Database categories




A playful humanoid that serves as a social companion, educator and a safety monitor for children, but also elder adults.


Official website:


Other online channels:

General decription:

Twitter and Instagram: use #avatarmind or #iPal for pictures and videos of the humanoid robot.

Not specified

  • $2499 for the standard version of iPal.
  • $4999 for customized business versions.

Info for teachers:

From age 4 (kindergarten) up to age 12 within education. (iPal can also be used in elderly care.)

No additional teaching materials, everything is provided by the apps that are downloadable for Android tablets and smart phones. There is also desktop computer software for eg. monitoring the child’s progress.

As for now, the iPal humanoid robot only supports English and Chinese language setup. That goes for the app menus and voice functions.

Languages, PE, music.
STEM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)

Block-coding using the app iPal Programmer.
Simple commands as navigation, facial expressions and speaking through the AvatarMind app.

iPal only runs through Android apps.

Database categories

Makey Makey

Makey Makey

Makey Makey

Design your own controller with everyday materials like playdough or graphite pencils.

Control your favorite Scratch game while you learn to code.


Official website:


Other online channels:

General decription:

Info for teachers:

Database categories




This robot is magnetic and can be placed hanging on to a magnetic whiteboard like the kind used in school classrooms.

On a whiteboard Root can move around. drawing pictures, patterns and letters/numbers that its been pre coded to produce.


Official website:


Other online channels:

General decription:

Root the robot was developed during robots and coding in schools research done at the Harvard University.

Coded Root is capable of producing drawings, music and can even be used for making fun games.

The robot has built-in color sensors and it can be coded to follow a specific color line through a maze of lines in different colors. Other sensors include hearing sounds and seeing light.

Block coding using the iOS app (Root Coding)

PS! iOS support only for now but an Android app in the making.

Not specified


European countries can order Root from and the price/robot is $199 + shipping and import fees for around $77.
Robot and software is not open source.

Info for teachers:

  • For the children in age 6+.
  • Beginners, intermediate, advanced level.

The coding app (in English) for iOS has a help menu that is intended to be of guidance when getting started with Root coding.
For teachers, there are right now materials being made but one of it has yet been released.

On youtube, there are a lot of videos from users about Root and presentations of what you can do with the robot.

Math, science, motion physics, arts, music

Block coding using the iOS app (Root Coding)
PS! iOS support only for now but an Android app in the making.

Database categories