Partner Meeting in Genoa

Partner Meeting in Genoa

We’ve just finished our third meeting.

This time partners met in Genoa – a beautiful Italian city. As we are almost in the middle of the project (time flies very fast), we had a lot to summarize and a lot to discuss:

We also visited the city and laboratory of the host – Scuola di Robotica.

The next results of our work will be available soon. Stay tuned! And in the meantime let us know if you like our job.


Our robotics database is ready!

Our robotics database is ready!

And here it is! 

The database of educational robots!

We gathered here information from all the parts of the Internet. We were searching and digging for weeks. Everything for you!

Now we can present the repository, where you and your friends can look and get the most important information about robots which can be used in schools.

We have there 95 records. It’s a lot. But we want more! So if you have any information which could be useful for us, don’t hesitate to comment below or write to us using the contact form on the main page.


Partner Meeting in Wadowice

Partner Meeting in Wadowice

After some time of hard project work, we met in Wadowice to summarize the first project period and share tasks for the next months.

The most important news! Robotics database is almost ready!! It will be open for you sooner than you think…

Visit us often!


EARLY project launched in Dalvik

EARLY project launched in Dalvik

After some months of waiting and hope, consortium partners finally met to officially start the project EARLY – Educational Advancements through Robotics Labs for Youth.

We met in Dalvik, Iceland, where Dalvíkurskóli, project coordinator, is located. It was a great time of sharing information, admiring Dalvik and its surroundings, and planning, planning, planning…

We have a lot to do and soon we will have a lot to offer especially for the primary school teachers, but not only.

  1. First, the database of educational robots will arrive (we want to find and share information about all available and useful educational robots).
  2. Then we are going to develop video tutorials and teaching scenarios – educational tools for teachers.

If you want to know more about us, read this short description. If you want to be in touch with us, follow our Facebook page and Instagram profile.

More news soon!