EARLY Newsletter 27/10/2020

EARLY Newsletter 20/10/2020

EARLY Newsletter 13/10/2020
Partner Meeting in Korsholm
Despite current problems with a travelling and growing concerns related to coronavirus, we managed to organise 4th partner meeting.
This meeting was hosted by Smedsby-Böle Skola, Korsholm, Finland and was organised perfectly. Those who couldn’t be with us in person joined online.
We summarised the development of teaching scenarios and discussed preparation for testing them both in our premises and by our colleagues from other schools.
We hope to share some positive news soon!

Watch our video tutorials
Yes! You are not wrong!
Video tutorials are here, on our platform.
You can also watch them directly on our YouTube channel. We plan some changes, more descriptions and explanations soon.
During next weeks all the videos will get captions in Icelandic, Polish, Italian, Swedish and Estonian.
Stay tuned and don’t forget to tell your friends!