Hexy the Hexapod
Hexy the Hexapod
Open Source Low Cost Arduino DIY Robot Kit
Official website:
Other online channels:
General decription:
Not specified
$250 per item
The kit includes:
- Everything needed to build the robot, even the screwdriver
- 7 bags of blue acrylic laser-cut pieces (1 extra set of legs)
- 20 servos (18 for legs, 1 for eyes, 1 extra)
- Ultrasonic distance sensor eyes
- Full Arduino-based Servotor32 robot controller capable of controlling up to 32 Servos
- All the screws and nuts you need to assemble the kit, with extras
- Bluetooth module that plugs straight into the Servotor32 robot controller
- USB cable
- 2 battery holders and cables
Info for teachers:
Support available at https://arcbotics.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/115000458663-Hexy
Not specified
Hexapod robot kit gives you a platform to explore advanced robotics, kinematics, and programming.
Arduino Coding Environment.