Skribots are customizable 3D-printed robots that anyone can design, print
and program.
Official website:
Other online channels:
General decription:
Working with tablet or smartphone compatible with the wide range of iOS and Android devices, Skriware’s mobile application allows you to control Skribot remotely and program it using an approachable, graphical interface.
Skribots Creator will let you design, customize and prototype your own Skribot and print it on 3D printer. A smart tool linking design with engineering and electronics in an engaging form.
Not specified
163 EUR per item
Skribots are modular which means you can build, modify and upgrade them however you want. And the best part is, with Skriware 3D printer you never run out of new elements.
Materials in Polish:
Info for teachers:
Skribot Assembly Manual:
Not specified
STEAM–based interdisciplinary approach
With Skriware’s mobile app.