Robbo Robot kit
Robot kit is a comprehensive robot construction kit with five simple magnetic-mount sensors and led light.
Robot kit is designed to teach both children and adults programming and robotics. It is a good supporting tool to run any physics experiments e.g. involving velocity and acceleration, exploring optics.
Official website:
Other online channels:
General decription:
Not specified
€295 per item
Info for teachers:
Suitable for children ages 7-99 years old. The teaching material was specifically designed for kids and teens ages 7-15. Kids and teens under the age of 14 years old should use robots under supervision.
Work with Robot kit improves problem solving, analytical skills, innovativeness and enhances teamwork skills.
By mixing and combining sensors you can replicate any technology that surrounds you, from smartphone to refrigerator. The Robot kit combines science with unlimited amount of creativity.
With the Lab everyone has the chance to be a doer instead of just a user. This is a fun and engaging way of learning programming while enhancing skills in problem solving, abstract thinking and creativity.
The Robot and Lab can be programmed with a computer and an USB cable using several different types of programming software.
You can use:
- RobboScratch visual programming interface. This is a ROBBO™ specific tool. See software for installation and usage.
- Arduino IDE. This is a more general tool for programming microprocessors. Uses text based programming and has a big community providing a lot of examples and tutorials.
- Snap4Arduino. This is also a visual programming interface that can be run inside the Chrome web browser. Requires Firmata. See instructions how to install for Windows without admin rights.