Poppy Torso
Poppy Torso is a variation of the Poppy Humanoid robot. It is an open-source humanoid robot torso which can be installed easily on tabletops. More affordable than the Poppy Humanoid.
Official website:
Other online channels:
General decription:
5300 EUR per item
Poppy tools are designed to be modular, easy to use, and easy to integrate – providing a set of building blocks that can be easily assembled and reconfigured.
The Poppy project is a community-centered robotic project. It targets the needs of a multidisciplinary community where researchers, teachers, artists, and robotic enthusiasts can share their work and ideas.
Not specified
Info for teachers:
Manual of the Poppy Project covers everything from the short overview of what is possible within the project to the details on how you can build a Poppy robot or reproduce one of the pedagogical activity https://docs.poppy-project.org/en/
Not specified
Dedicated platform for educational use of Poppy (in French) https://www.poppy-education.org/
An ideal medium to learn science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Poppy Torso can be programmed using web-visual programming tools such as Snap!, a variation of Scratch and Python.