MU SpaceBot
MU SpaceBot is an AI enabled wooden robot building kit.
Official website:
Other online channels:
General decription:
MUBot APP, includes MU SpaceBot’s curriculums and projects.
$70 per item
Using 54 parts, children will get a fulfilling experience of creating a cute and smart robot of their own, getting familiar with the Maker and DIY culture.Once complete, MU SpaceBot can talk ,follow and even play hide and seek with you using advanced vision AI technology. Children can also design their own Spacebot voice by the recording from the MUBot APP.
Info for teachers:
Age 8+
Not available
Starting from some basic components, such as laser-cut wood pieces and servo motors, the SpaceBot kit lets children create an AI powered robot entirely from scratch. It is during this process that they learn the inter-disciplinary knowledge from mechanics, electronics, programming and artificial intelligence.
Spacebot is programmable via MU–Blocky, a visual programming interface that help children pick up coding skill and see it working on the robot immediately.