
A transformable, flying robot, made especially for children.


Official website:



Other online channels:

General decription:

This robot seems really fun to program and watch performing. A big plus that Edbot is compatible with block coding using Scratch.

Robot for sale at company online webshop for 799£ +VAT & Shipping.

Software is not open sourced but is included when buying the robot and all future software updates are then also free.

Not specified

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Info for teachers:

Age 7+.
Beginners, intermediate, advanced level.

Video tutorials in English on Vimeo.

On Edbots homepage there are quite a lot of downloadable tutorials and lessons made as PowerPoint presentations in English. Lessons show how to block code Edbot using Scratch.

Math, science, motion physics

  • Block coding using Scratch
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • C/C++

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