Watch our video tutorials

Yes! You are not wrong!  Video tutorials are here, on our platform. You can also watch them directly on our YouTube channel. We plan some changes, more descriptions and explanations soon. During next weeks all the videos will get captions in Icelandic, Polish,...

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Partner Meeting in Genoa

We've just finished our third meeting. This time partners met in Genoa - a beautiful Italian city. As we are almost in the middle of the project (time flies very fast), we had a lot to summarize and a lot to discuss: our robotics database and video tutorials our plans...

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Our robotics database is ready!

And here it is!  The database of educational robots! We gathered here information from all the parts of the Internet. We were searching and digging for weeks. Everything for you! Now we can present the repository, where you and your friends can look and get the most...

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Partner Meeting in Wadowice

After some time of hard project work, we met in Wadowice to summarize the first project period and share tasks for the next months. The most important news! Robotics database is almost ready!! It will be open for you sooner than you think... Visit us often!...

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